I sit here, enjoying a damn fine (and hot!) cup of black coffee, smoking a cigarette and watching the world go by in a straight story. A question echoes in my mind, a question asked by FBI Agent Dale Cooper; “What year is this?”
It is 2025 and David Lynch is dead. The world of cinematography, of creativity, of storytelling and surrealism shall never be the same. It’s hard to pass the torch when that torch has gone out, and that torch was his and his alone, it sparked many others like it, across countless forms and genres, spreading an immortal influence. But like a cigarette in an ashtray or underfoot, his flame has been snuffed out and I, like those countless others, wish to pay tribute to a true and genuine visionary. When I say that David Lynch was (and always shall be) a significant influence in my life, I mean it sincerely, those close to me would testify to that. I was barely eight years old and distinctly remember falling asleep to the Twin Peaks theme tune after my parents had sent me to bed. Before I even knew who he was, he was crafting my imagination. I’m not here to write a biography or educate you about his life and career. Anyone with the slightest inkling of who he was will know the basics, if not all the intricacies of his monumental impact on the world and how he never limited himself to just one medium. From films to music, art to literature, cultural icon and social media legend, I just wish to pay tribute.
Genius, whether creatively, academically, socially or historically, is often misunderstood, dismissed or even ridiculed and I do not say this lightly, nor from a place of misplaced fandom or hero worship, but Lynch was a genius. A world without Lynch would be like a world without Mozart, without Shakespeare, Keats, Einstein or Elvis. There is a reason why the term ‘Lynchian’ is in the Oxford English dictionary. So many actors and musicians, from Kyle MacLachlan, David Bowie, Trent Reznor & Nine Inch Nails, to fashion icons such as Armani, Calvin Klein and Saint Laurent would not be what we know them to be without his influence. Even the realms of science were affected by his interests in quantum mechanics, much like spirituality being driven through his devotion to transcendental meditation. When I say he was weird, I mean it with the upmost praise and respect. He confused, soothed, motivated and enlightened his audiences through his particular and forever peculiar creative process and approach. Many hearts, souls and minds are bleeding, baying and crying over the loss of this modern age pioneer, I am but an unsung background character within the depthless tapestry he wove over his 78 years of life. So, by all means, read the tributes and listen to the stories from the genuine celebrities and archetypes of the entertainment industry and other societal pillars who actually knew this pure embodiment of humanities creative spark.
But I owe it to myself and the influence he has on my existence to commit my own tribute to all eternities.
I choose to end this said tribute with some more choice words from FBI Agent Dale Cooper; “Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don’t plan it, don’t wait for it, just let it happen”
Good night Mr.Lynch and godspeed you Judas Booth, thank you for the music, the pictures, the words and all in between. May you catch all the big fish there are in the hereafter.
